RPNI Credential Certificate

The ASN Board of Directors recently approved a formal credential for those who passed the ASN Neurosonology Exam. The new credential is called the Registered Physician in Neurovascular Interpretation (RPNI) credential. Anyone who has passed the Neurosonology Exam (physics as well as carotid and/or TCD) and whose certification is in good standing may now use the RPNI letters after their name (E.g., Jane Doe, MD, RPNI).

The ASN Board of Directors took up this consideration at the request of members and leaders in the community and recognize that the ASN Neurosonology credentials for physicians and now sonographers, which represent a high-level of expertise in the field and grant clinical laboratory privileges in the United States and Internationally, may go under- or unrecognized by credentialing bodies without an easily verifiable, lettered credential at the end of the specialist’s name. A similar credential exists for interpreters in vascular ultrasound; it is called Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) and it’s recognized by accrediting bodies as demonstration of proficiency to interpret ultrasound studies and serve as a medica Director of an ultrasound laboratory. Our Neurosonology credential has also been recognized in a similar way, but until this decision we did not have a formal acronym. RPNI follows the accepted format by our vascular ultrasound colleagues.

Beginning March 2020, those who have passed the Neurosonology Examination will receive a certificate with the new RPNI credential included. If you took, and passed, the Neurosonology examination prior to March 2020, please review the steps below at obtaining a new certificate with the RPNI credential.

Steps to order a new RPNI Certificate

If you would like to order an RPNI Certificate, please complete this order request form. This new certificate is not to replace your previous neurosonology certificate, but rather to provide a clearly recognized acronym and a registry number that can be used by credentialing bodies to check your good status with our Society. There is an administration fee of $25 for ASN members/$75 for non-ASN members, with a slight discount if you order multiple copies.

Please note that certificates will be sent out around the 15th of each month.

If you have any questions please contact the Executive Office at info@asnweb.org.