When is the deadline for abstract submissions?
Deadline for abstract submissions is August 29, 2024 at 11:59 pm of the submitting author’s current time zone. 

Does ASN grant extensions for the abstract submissions?
Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis, decided by the Program Chair.

Is there a word limit on abstract titles?
Yes, there is a 15 word limit for abstract titles.

How should abstract titles be submitted?
Abstract titles should be in title case.

Is there a word limit for the body of the abstract?
Yes, abstracts are limited to a 250 combined word count.

Does the first author need to be the presenting author?
The submission site allows you to select which author will be presenting the poster. However, for award winners, the presenting author must be the submitting student, resident, or fellow and cannot be an attending physician.

Is there a fee to submit an abstract?
No, however the presenting author will need to be registered for the Annual Meeting.

Do authors need to be members of ASN?
No, however we encourage presenters to join ASN and take advantage of reduced registration fees and other member benefits.

What size are the posters that are presented at the ASN Annual Meeting?
Poster board size for the meeting can be a maximum of 4 feet tall by 8 feet wide.

Will all accepted abstracts be published in the Journal of Neuroimaging?
Only abstracts that are accepted into the program AND presented at the Annual Meeting will be published in the Journal of Neuroimaging.